.. include:: Components subpackage ===================== Each :doc:`setup ` consists of different components that each have their :doc:`connection `. The base class for components is :class:`+eprcontrol.+components.Component`. Every component should inherit from this class. There are currently a number of derived classes serving as starting point for the different types of components, with a strict focus on (time-resolved) EPR experiments: * :class:`+eprcontrol.+components.MicrowaveBridge` * :class:`+eprcontrol.+components.FieldController` * :class:`+eprcontrol.+components.Digitizer` * :class:`+eprcontrol.+components.Opo` The other classes are derived from these base classes and are designed to control a particular component, such as a Bruker microwave bridge via the Xenon software, hence using a particular type of :doc:`connection `. The concrete component classes currently implemented are: * :class:`+eprcontrol.+components.BrukerXenonMicrowaveBridge` * :class:`+eprcontrol.+components.BrukerXenonFieldController` * :class:`+eprcontrol.+components.LeCroyHDO9204` * :class:`+eprcontrol.+components.SpcmM4i4421x8` * :class:`+eprcontrol.+components.GwuOpo` A rather special case is the :class:`+eprcontrol.+components.DigitizerChannel` class dealing with the settings for digitizer channels, such as input range, termination, and coupling mode. Classes ------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 .. automodule:: +eprcontrol.+components :members: :private-members: